The Youtube celebrity Shonduras received a gift on his Birthday. What Birthday gift he received? The wonderful Birthday gift for Shonduras is Gyroor F1 Hoverboard.

Shonduras and his friends were excited when they open the box. When they saw the Gyroor F1 hoverboard, packing, Shonduras shout out :that looks like a tie fighter from the future.
Then Shondura take the Gyroor F1 out of the box and check. He let his young daughter ride it. And he thought the speakers in front of the board is the fan.
And Shondura was very happy for this Gyroor F1. The ride on the board with his daughter in arm and told: this is actually really cool.!
After check , Shonduras take the Gyroor F1 outdoor and have race with his friends. He made a rule that the one who ride the fastest time owns the hoverboard. And the winner is the one who ride it the track in less time.
They decided the racing order by Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Then they begin the race:
- Andrew: 9.51 seconds.
- Beard Man: 20.85 seconds
- Andrew 12.24 seconds
- Green Shirt man 11.30 seconds
- Shonduras 7.58 seconds

At last Shonduras won the game for 7.50 seconds and shouted : I’m the fastest hoverboarder in the entire world. And Shonduras got the fastest hoverboard in the world. And he feel really happy and excited.
Check more details about Shondura Birthday gift Gyroor F1.
This is Racecar hoverboard. The Gyroor F1 design was inspired by the F1 race car. So the Gyroor F1 hoverboard look really cool. From the fiberglass, race wheel, speaker, all details looks cool. Check More details about the Gyroor F1 Hoverboard
When your kids or your friends birthday is coming. You always think about what gift we need to give him then he will love the gift. If they get the fastest Gyroor F1 Racecar hoverboard on their birthday, they would be very happy and excited.
Get more details about the Gyroor F1 Hoverboard: